Threat Assessment Procedures
In the event that a threat is reported to a school principal,
Step 1 is to evaluate the threat. A specific account of the threat should be obtained by interviewing the student who made the threat, the recipient of the threat, and any other witnesses. The circumstances under which the threat was made and the student’s intentions should be considered.
Step 2 is to decide whether the threat is transient or substantive. Factors that will be taken into consideration include the student’s age, the credibility of the threat, and any previous discipline history. If it is determined the threat is transient, then
Step 3 may include a consequence, parental notification, or other disciplinary action. The student may be required to make amends and attend mediation or counseling.
If the threat is substantive or the threat meaning is not clear, then
Step 4 is to decide the severity of the threat as serious or very serious. A serious threat initiates
Step 5. In this case, immediate precautions are taken to protect potential victims, including notifying the potential victim and that intended victim’s parents. The parents of the individual making the threat also will be notified. Contacting law enforcement is also considered at this point. The student will be consequenced in relation to the severity and chronicity of the situation.
A threat that is determined to be very serious initiates
Step 6 and precautions are taken to protect the potential victim, as well as notify that individual and his/her parents. Parents of the individual who made the threat are notified and law enforcement also is consulted. A mental health evaluation of the student will take place and the student will be consequenced as appropriate. Finally,
Step 7 is to implement a written safety plan and to revise the plan, as needed, while maintaining contact with the student.