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FSD79 Schools Closed/E-Learning Jan. 16 Due to Weather

FSD79 Schools Closed/E-Learning Jan. 16 Due to Weather
Nick Brilowski

Due to frigid conditions, Fremont School District 79 schools will have an eLearning day on Tuesday, January 16. We know how important in-person learning is for our students, so we appreciate your understanding as we manage the extreme weather conditions.

eLearning will run as it did on Friday, January 12. Our eLearning day procedures can be accessed via this link

  • All lessons and assignments will be communicated to students and parents no later than 9 a.m. on Tuesday, January 16. 

  • PK-5 parents will receive an email from their child(ren)’s homeroom teacher(s). 

  • Grade 6-8 students will receive their teacher communications directly through Google Classroom. 

  • If you have any questions, please contact your child’s classroom teacher or a building administrator.  

  • If you need technical assistance on our eLearning Day, please email the teacher associated with the class with which they are experiencing an issue. If the teacher is unable to resolve the issue, they will submit a technology ticket to the District technology support team.

Please stay safe and warm!


Trisha Kocanda
Superintendent of Schools

  • District
  • Elementary
  • Intermediate
  • Lincoln
  • Middle
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