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FSD79 Adopts Educational Long-Range Facility Plan

FSD79 Adopts Educational Long-Range Facility Plan
Fremont School District 79
Fremont School District 79’s Board of Education unanimously approved a 20-year Educational Long-Range Facility Plan (Plan At-a-Glance) at its December 16, 2024, meeting. The plan will serve as a dynamic roadmap for the future of the district’s facilities.  

Developed throughout 2024 by a community-based Steering Committee, the plan was created in collaboration with architectural partners, DLR Group. The plan reflects the Fremont community’s priorities and feedback while ensuring the district’s educational standards are met.

The plan, which will be implemented via a phased approach, addresses the key areas of enrollment growth, educational priorities, and facility assessment and maintenance. Fremont anticipates adding 1,000 additional students over the next 20-25 years due to residential developments within its boundaries.

Educational priorities include the addition of STEM/Career Technical Education (CTE) & collaborative/social-emotional learning space, outdoor learning and athletic use, and a return the district’s preschool classrooms to its Fremont Center Road campus.

Additional plan highlights include an additional new school building for grades 6-8 students, reconfiguration of parking and traffic flow, enhanced safety and security features, including secure vestibules at all schools, and the introduction of municipal water and sewer services.

FSD79 does not have any imminent plans for a referendum, as it plans to exhaust all other funding sources first. This includes developer impact fees/donations, grants, and partnerships. For more information on the facility plan, please visit our ELFP webpage.

  • Buildings
  • District
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